Screenshots der Community
Moon's Edge

Moon's Edge
Gildenleiter: Gildenleiter nicht in der ESO-Database gefunden
Gildenhändler: Ghogurz in Windhelm
Gegründet am 13.09.2016
2.295 Charaktere
Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Rekrutierungs-Informationen der Gilde. Diese Stammen direkt aus dem Spiel.
- Primärfokus: Geselligkeit
- Spielstil: Normal
- Sekundärfokus: Gruppen-PvE
- Sprache: Englisch
- Min. Championpunkte: 0
- Hauptspielzeit: 17:00 - 02:00
- Rollen:
Discord | PVE |Trials | Trading | Raffles | EP PVP | No Dues Join the #1 Fun and Friendly Guild on PC/NA!
Moon's Edge: is a Social/Trade Guild seeking friendly and (semi)mature players! Our goal is to build a fun, helpful community and to always improve. We have events, lotteries, a fully-stocked Guild Hall, and a large Discord with multiple channels and topics. (Voice calls are NOT required to join Discord!)
• Lottery every two weeks - Only 100g to enter and supports the guild!
• Spiffy Guild Hall with Dummies, Wells, Mundus Stones, and all Crafting and Transmute Stations
• Consistent Trader - expensive for us, free for you! (Donations Appreciated!)
• Awesome people who want to help!
Players who don't log into ESO for 14+ days (21 days with Discord) get bumped from the roster. Let an Officer know if you expect to be absent and want to stay.
Simple Rules:
• Respect One Another
• No Real Politics or Religion
• No Drama or Trauma Dumps
• No Begging, Spamming, or WTS (Crowns/Carries Included)
• No Advertising Other Guilds or Services
Joining Us:
We want people who care, so include these in your application:
1. What do you enjoy most about ESO?
2. What are you looking for in Moon's Edge?
3. How often do you play ESO?
4. A pun or joke to show that you read and understand our Guild Listing!
Blank applications will be declined.