Screenshots der Community
Mora's Whispers

Mora's Whispers
Gildenleiter: Gildenleiter nicht in der ESO-Database gefunden
Gildenhändler: Felayn Uvaram in Sadrith Mora
Gegründet am 15.12.2022
1.833 Charaktere
Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Rekrutierungs-Informationen der Gilde. Diese Stammen direkt aus dem Spiel.
- Primärfokus: Geselligkeit
- Spielstil: Normal
- Sekundärfokus: Handel
- Sprache: Englisch
- Min. Championpunkte: 0
- Hauptspielzeit: 17:00 - 05:00
- Rollen:
"Welcome Champion.. come closer!"
--> active & social lair with main focus on non-toxic, substance & sweat free, friendly & relaxed gameplay, events, housing, trading & general lollygagging!
What we offer (other than Herma Mora´s greetings):
* non-toxic environment
* fully equipped guild base
* loads of events & a free trader
* vibrant community & Discord
* weekly raffles & giveaways
* leveling up in the ranks
What we require: read & follow the guild guidelines, join our discord!
--> we purge & recruit on daily basis to keep the guild active, and have 14 days offline limit once you join our server. If purged, always welcome to join again! Focusing on being social, pls join our Discord asap (required). English. 18+.
Troll's blood, you're about to join Mora's Whispers! Please insert the word "knowledge" to your application, so we know you have read this. Cheers!