Screenshots der Community
Roleplayers Unlimited

Roleplayers Unlimited
Gildenleiter: AshenDusk
Gildenhändler: Keinen Händler eingestellt
Gegründet am 21.07.2014
1.493 Charaktere
Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Rekrutierungs-Informationen der Gilde. Diese Stammen direkt aus dem Spiel.
- Primärfokus: Rollenspiel
- Spielstil: Normal
- Sekundärfokus: Geselligkeit
- Sprache: Englisch
- Min. Championpunkte: 0
- Hauptspielzeit: Keine Angabe
- Rollen:
We are an out-of-character RP hub and networking guild. We help RPers find each other and keep in touch with the community!
All applications must be filled out with a short blerb of information pertaining to your RP style and what you are seeking. Trolling and Blank applications will be rejected.
All applicants must be 18+ due to the M rated nature of this game.
Roleplayers Unlimited's primary focus is to bring Tamriel to life. We are an OOC Roleplay HUB and our desire is help RPers develop a active network with other individuals that have similar storytelling interests and guilds that meaningfully connect their characters.
Our officers are constructively engaged with the community and invested in the environment of our guild/server. RPU has established a Loremaster rank to maintain the focus on the lore we love and help guide character development. Loremasters hold a benchmark in guiding each race and culture to life. Guild Leads of several guilds are members and are open to recruit in community. Many of our members are familiar with the various RP communities of ESO.
RPU provides an expanding directory of homesteads open for use. And we help advertise guilds and events. Events are posted a month out, so you can plan, and spontaneous rp may be announced as it develops. We accept RPers of all writing genre and skill levels.
If you're interested in joining, tell us about your roleplaying experience or why you would like to join us. While we take roleplayers of any experience, and naturally want to make sure those that apply are interested in roleplaying.