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PfeilThe Wildfire


EU Megaserver The Wildfire

Gildenleiter: Gildenleiter nicht in der ESO-Database gefunden
Gildenhändler: Keinen Händler eingestellt
Gegründet am 28.08.2024
419 Charaktere
Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Rekrutierungs-Informationen der Gilde. Diese Stammen direkt aus dem Spiel.

Rekrutierungsinformationen Rekrutierungsinformationen

  • Primärfokus: Gruppen-PvE
  • Spielstil: Normal
  • Sekundärfokus: Geselligkeit
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Min. Championpunkte: 0
  • Hauptspielzeit: Keine Angabe
  • Rollen: DDHeilerTank

Hello adventurer! Welcome to The Wildfire! Grab a seat, tell us your story and enjoy a drink with us!
The Wildfire is a balanced guild with a friendly and fun, non-toxic community,
Looking for like-minded adventurers to join our growing guild - We welcome all players from beginners to veterans!

Our main goal is to help people enjoy the game to the max in a fun and relaxed environment. We are hosting lots of farming runs: dungeons and trials from normal to veteran, event farming, you name it!

We have great people who can advice on various things from crafting to hardmode content.
A fully-equipped guildhouse is also available!

So relax, grab a seat, and have a drink with us! :)
We also have an active Discord, link will be given once you have joined us!