Screenshots der Community
Tinnitus Delux

Tinnitus Delux
Gildenleiter: Queen_Mija
Gildenhändler: Keinen Händler eingestellt
Gegründet am 13.05.2019
518 Charaktere
Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Rekrutierungs-Informationen der Gilde. Diese Stammen direkt aus dem Spiel.
- Primärfokus: Geselligkeit
- Spielstil: Normal
- Sekundärfokus: Gruppen-PvE
- Sprache: Englisch
- Min. Championpunkte: 0
- Hauptspielzeit: Keine Angabe
- Rollen:
~STOP there Adventurer!~
~STOP there Adventurer!~
Tired of exploring Tamriel on your own? Of long dungeon queues and unpleasant surprises in Group Finder?
Dreaming of that monster set or gear that you can't get by yourself? Or perhaps intrested in enjoying role-play with us?
Join TINNITUS DELUX. With a diverse growing family of 450+ ACTIVE members, chances are you will always find a friend to answer your questions or to chat with, both in game and in our thriving DISCORD server!! From TRIALS for all levels to DAILIES, Kill-on-sight missions for shady characters, outfit contest, lottery and other games... We make THE MOST of the game and our community.
Unlike in most big guilds, and becouse we value the person over their skill, NEW PLAYERS of all levels are always welcomed with open arms :)