Screenshots der Community
x Baked Pøtatøes x

x Baked Pøtatøes x
Gildenleiter: Gildenleiter nicht in der ESO-Database gefunden
Gildenhändler: Keinen Händler eingestellt
Gegründet am 20.04.2021
492 Charaktere
Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Rekrutierungs-Informationen der Gilde. Diese Stammen direkt aus dem Spiel.
- Primärfokus: Handel
- Spielstil: Locker
- Sekundärfokus: Geselligkeit
- Sprache: Englisch
- Min. Championpunkte: 0
- Hauptspielzeit: Keine Angabe
- Rollen:
x Baked Pøtatøes x are looking for more players that are into TRADING!
x Baked Pøtatøes x
Primary Focus: Casual Trading & PvE
Tell us why you want to be a part of the Potato Family. Empty apps will be declined. If you would like to be a part of the Potato Family, but aren't a huge trader, please consider applying for our sister guild, |H1:guild:734393|hx Pøtatø Pact x|h.
No weekly dues. Just stay above the bottom 5% of contributors.
We are a chill trading guild, expanding from |H1:guild:734393|hx Pøtatø Pact x|h which is a PvE casual social guild.
What we offer :
-Weekly Farming Competition
-Weekly Raffle
-Weekly Trials (Discord required)
We have a fully loaded Potato Guild Hall:
- Grand Master Crafting Stations with ALL craftable sets
- ALL basic crafting stations (Alchemy, Cooking, Enchant, etc)
- ALL 13 Mundus Stones
- Armory Station
- Transmute Stationn
- Scribing Altar
- Aetherial Well
- Multiple Parse Dummies
- Vampiric Libations