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AddOn Version 4.3.0 is available for download
The AddOn version 4.3.0 was released.
The following changes are included:
The update is automatically distributed via the client and can be downloaded manually via ESOUI:
The following changes are included:
- Added chat command /esodb character to open the character profile on the website
- Added chat command /esodb dungeon to open the character dungeon progress on the website
- Added chat command /esodb trial to open the character trial progress on the website
- Added chat command /esodb sets to open the character item set collection overview on the website
- Added chat command /esodb motifs to open the character motifs overview on the website
- Added chat command /esodb antiquities to open the character antiquities overview on the website
- Added chat command /esodb stats to open the character statistics on the website
The update is automatically distributed via the client and can be downloaded manually via ESOUI:
Geschrieben am 06.05.2021 - 15:31:11 Uhr von Keldor