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ArrowCodex - Welkynd Jewel

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Welkynd Jewel in the ESO-Database.

Apocrypha Antiquities Codex - Welkynd Jewel

  • Ugron gro-Thumog Ancestor Silk Ribbon A wide silk ribbon, such as you might use for a medal. There is a faint pattern woven into the silk, showing birds in flight. It seems to be ancestor silk, but I haven't seen its like.
  • Reginus Buca Ancestor Silk Ribbon That's because this ribbon is an extraordinarily well preserved example of ancient silk. With the proper baths and treatments, ancestor silk can last centuries. I don't recognize the pattern, though.
  • Verita Numida Ancestor Silk Ribbon It's older than you think. In fact, this is not Nibenese silk at all. The bird pattern is Ayleid, from the early First Era. Everyone knows the Heartland Elves were the first to weave ancestor silk.
  • Amalien Palladium Talon Interesting. This appears to be the hook or ring that secured an amulet to its chain. As you can see, it's shaped like an eagle's talon. Altmeri, I think. But I don't recognize the metal.
  • Ugron gro-Thurmog Palladium Talon It's palladium. A rare ore much-loved by Ayleid jewelers for its luster and durability. The ancient High Elves weren't the only ones who admired birds.
  • Amalien Palladium Talon Oh! Of course. I should have put two and two together. Yes, the Ayleids often used feather and talon motifs in their work. I'd love to see the rest of this medallion; it must have been impressive.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Meteoric Iron Triquetra Good metal, this. The Ayleids were masters of meteoric iron and crafted many fine blades from it. But I do not think this was part of a weapon. What is the significance of these interlocking rings?
  • Reginus Buca Meteoric Iron Triquetra The three-ring loop is a triquetra. It symbolizes land, sea, and sky. This one appears to be an amulet or medallion of great age, although it's missing the central stone.
  • Verita Numida Meteoric Iron Triquetra I've seen this triquetra before, in the ruins of Nenalata. It was the emblem of the royal house. This medallion might have been looted from a king's tomb when the Alessian Order razed the city.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Feathered Palladium Cradle Here we see an example of Ayleid jewelcraft at its best. This is the mounting for a large stone, unfortunately missing. If meteoric iron was the servant of the Ayleids, palladium was their delight.
  • Reginus Buca Feathered Palladium Cradle Note how the prongs intended to secure the missing stone are cleverly disguised as delicate wings. I imagine this was part of a pendant or amulet, but we have neither the base nor the jewel.
  • Verita Numida Feathered Palladium Cradle Ah. The so-called "feathered jewels" were associated with House Dynar, the royal line of long-lost Nenalata. I always wondered what exactly the ancient scribes meant by that turn of phrase.
  • Reginus Buca Welkynd Jewel Judging by its size and cut, this jewel was the center of a large piece such as a medallion or a crown. Its innate magicka gives it that striking color. Could it be an Ayleid welkynd crystal?
  • Amalien Welkynd Jewel A welkynd stone? How exciting! It's said that each welkynd came from a star that fell from the sky. Imagine that--a piece of Aetherius in your hand! The Ayleids greatly prized them.
  • Gabrielle Benele Welkynd Jewel Aetherial gems were potent tools in the hands of a mage. This one likely belonged to an Ayleid sorcerer-king. I recall an ancient text that described the "blue gem" of a king of Nenalata. Could this be one such gem?