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Codex - Twinned Jade Insets
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Twinned Jade Insets in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Twinned Jade Insets
- Perpetual Spinning Wheel Just a simple wheel made from iron. The outside rim appears smoothed, from years of hands passing over it. Something's off about its weight, however. It seems to change? Inconsistent.
- Perpetual Spinning Wheel Such a curious little wheel! Reginus is right about its oddly shifting weight. The jade gem holds a simple magic: when someone spins this wheel, it stays in motion until stopped. Who would need such a thing?
- Perpetual Spinning Wheel You should use your hands for more than holding books, Gabrielle. Such a wheel would aid a laboring craftsman greatly. Attached to a grinding or polishing tool, a lapidary could focus on refining a gem's facet without the need for a treadle.
- Refracting Stone Crucible A largely unremarkable stone crucible, with metallic residue as evidence of its original use. The only notable detail is this embedded icon of Hermaeus Mora. Who could guess that the One Who Knows might enjoy jewelry?
- Refracting Stone Crucible I've found shallow pans like this inside old Dwemer ruins, typically near areas where they built constructs. I assume they're related to the metalwork Dwarves were known for. Could this be evidence of Dwemer residing in Apocrypha?
- Refracting Stone Crucible Your fixations lead you astray, Amalien. The Dwarves likely used this for the same reason as armies do across Tamriel. For smelting alloys to repair armor. Perfect for quickly making a number of small rings or fasteners.
- Vented Potbelly Stove I've used little stoves like this in my office in Solitude. Quite effective in heating a room on a cold Skyrim evening. The vent on top is curious, and dangerous I must say. Perhaps its for making food?
- Vented Potbelly Stove One could produce food, though that's not the intended purpose. This stove can achieve very high levels of heat that would over-char your nightly leg of lamb. No, this device is meant for smelting metals. See how it attaches to a larger fixture?
- Vented Potbelly Stove The decorative metal tendrils on the base caught my attention. I tested the stove's ability, and it does get unbearably hot. However, the tendrils stayed cold to the touch. I can't tell if its a quirk of the metal or Hermaeus Mora's influence.
- Lapidary Grinding Wheels A rod comprised of several wheels of various materials. I believe one is lead, perhaps another copper. Each wheel also has differing textures, some gritty while others more fine-grained. These remind me of sharpening stones.
- Lapidary Grinding Wheels An excellent inference, Ugron, though these aren't for blades. Jewelry artisans use lapidary wheels like this for cutting and polishing gemstones. A row of them like this would be used by quite an expert.
- Lapidary Grinding Wheels Weapons, jewelry, what's really the difference? With the recent uptick in endowing jewels with magical properties, even a well-faceted diamond could cause physical harm.
- Tentacled Tool Rack This may look like a simple rack for a work table, but these ornate tentacles tell another story. I believe that they conduct power from Hermaeus Mora into the tools hung here.
- Tentacled Tool Rack Don't leap to conclusions about these decorations. Many cults adorn their tools with Mora's symbol. But for reverence, not power. The ancient Enraptured Order would drape octopuses across worktables as a sign of respect.
- Tentacled Tool Rack Amalien's intuition seems right this time, Reginus. These tentacle radiate a very slight Daedric power. Nothing dangerous, likely? But any tools hung on this rack would likely be imbued with some Apocryphal energies over time.
- Twisted Shelving Pedestal Would be a nice piece of furniture if not for its immense weight. Wrought iron legs with stone shelving? My back hurts just thinking about lifting it into my study.
- Twisted Shelving Pedestal You should train with my clan, Reginus. They carry heavier furniture than this without any pain. Though, did you notice it belongs to a larger piece? I wonder if it was even meant to be moved.
- Twisted Shelving Pedestal Most certainly not. Examining these gnarled legs reveals they were once fused to a great slab of metal. What managed to separate these shelves from its larger structure is an open question, but I do not wish to meet something that strong.
- Entangled Brass Legs For as old as these brass legs are, they appear in remarkable condition. The foot rests appear worn a bit, but I don't see the stress fractures that I expected. I wonder what accounts for their unusual strength?
- Entangled Brass Legs We shouldn't discount simple high-quality craftsmanship. It's likely not even brass but some less common metal more suitable to sustaining heavy weight. These iron entanglements may help with support.
- Entangled Brass Legs The entanglements help more than you realize. They're not made of iron, but an unusual Daedric metal only found in Apocrypha. The strands infuse the brass legs providing significantly more strength. How rare to see something like this on Nirn!
- Cold Stone Tabletop A well-worn desktop made of a thick stone slab. I see etchings and gouges from tools, so likely this was once used as a work table. Somehow, it reminds me of the ancient stone coffins I've found.
- Cold Stone Tabletop I've seen similar stone coffins in my explorations, and I agree with the comparison. Not quite sure how to describe the sensation, but it feels dead. Have you noticed how cold it is to the touch?
- Cold Stone Tabletop You two have scared yourself into thinking this table is imbued with death when there's a simpler explanation. The table's stone absorbs heat, yes. An excellent quality for a jeweler working with hot metals.
- Ornate Gem Holder A simple for smaller items, even with clear Daedric decorations. Perhaps it channels power from Oblivion into whatever sits on the shelves. Perhaps a now-dispelled enchantment that contained cursed items?
- Ornate Gem Holder An interesting supposition, though we'd have to test it for Daedric emanations. However, it does remind me of displays used by jewelers to show off their wares.
- Ornate Gem Holder I performed all the tests I could for Daedric influence or curses in general. None of the results came back positive. Just a simple gem holder with an unsettling design. Or is it? It is.
- Twinned Jade Insets Beautiful decorative pieces. Jade stones set inside brass holders. The use of two stones side by side is unique and gives them the appearance of eyes. No doubt part of a larger design.
- Twinned Jade Insets Unsurprising that they look like eyes since Hermaeus Mora worshipers designed them. Decorative pieces like these appear on a number of furnishings and weaponry recovered from cultist bases. But are these more than decorative?
- Twinned Jade Insets Good catch, Amalien. These pieces have a unique function. They seem to amplify and channel magicka that's directed at them. If arranged properly, they may funnel energy to a central point. An effective way to enchant jewelry, I'd guess.