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Codex - Maormeri Serpent Shrine
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Maormeri Serpent Shrine in the ESO-Database.
Auridon Codex - Maormeri Serpent Shrine
- We don't often see renderings of sea serpents. Fascinating! It's a bit difficult to determine the age given the corrosion, but we can deduce its origin easily enough: Pyandonea. The Sea Elves do love their snakes!
- Excellent deduction, Reginus! You might be missing something, though. As you know, tapestries featuring the Sea Elf king, Orgnum, often depict him with three hands. You see? Three hands--three coils. This might be a sculpture of Orgnum himself!
- I guess that's plausible if we're just speaking metaphorically. I've tried to turn myself into a horse more than once and never met with much success. For a mage--even an immortal one--to turn himself into a gigantic sea monster? That's a stretch.