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ArrowCodex - Basalt Table-Game Set

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Basalt Table-Game Set in the ESO-Database.

Bal Foyen Antiquities Codex - Basalt Table-Game Set

  • Verita Numida A traditional Dematah gaming set, eh? Incomplete, but still lovely. Basalt is a rather heavy and coarse stone for delicate work such as this, but the carver chose a deliberately abstract style for the pieces. Not uncommon in early Dunmer craftsmanship.
  • Amalien The pieces look so oddly proportioned! I suppose these smaller tokens represent slave races? Argonians have complained about Dematah's troubling themes for centuries. I'd say this vindicates those claims! Is it just me, or is this board larger than usual?
  • Reginus Buca Each side has an extra token because this set is a variation known as Traitor's Dematah. A very popular variant among Dunmer nobles in the middle of the First Era. You could replace an opponent's "slave" with one of your own—"turning a traitor," you see?