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Codex - Frost Lancer
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Frost Lancer in the ESO-Database.
Bangkorai Codex - Frost Lancer
- This is fascinating. You don't see a lot of frost weaponry with the Dwemer. I don't know why. Maybe it's because they hated the cold? They lived underground and relied on thermal heat from the earth to power their society. Naturally averse?
- It's possible, I suppose. They did spend quite a lot of time around volcanoes and heated geysers. Even so, if anyone could learn to harness the power of the cold during wartime, it would be the Dwarves.
- Frost magic can do a lot of good during a siege. Freeze the enemy, glaze the gates and parapets, etc. Even so, I'd hate to see one of these deployed in the field. The last thing Cyrodiil needs right now is an arms race.