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Codex - Ayleid Lightwell
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ayleid Lightwell in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Ayleid Lightwell
- Ah, an Ayleid sconce of some variety. I can't imagine it's a lightwell. Far too small for Aetherial conduction. And this glass fragment at the center—is it a broken welkynd stone? It certainly does resemble a lightwell. Curious.
- I've seen something like this before in a Barsaebic ruin down south. You're right about the size, Reginus. I think the Ayleids used that stone in conjunction with the meteoric iron to help it function at reduced size. I'm no mage, though.
- It's certainly a lightwell, but our focus should be the crystal. The magicka it's radiating feels less manufactured than a welkynd stone. This is a raw Aetherial Fragment. Untamed. The way it resonates with the iron … let's not jostle it too hard.