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Codex - Void-Crystal Anomaly
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Void-Crystal Anomaly in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Void-Crystal Anomaly
- I've only seen something like this once--an artist's rendering we found in a Worm Cult hideout. It's radiating ... something. I can't really explain it, but I'm detecting a gap in the flow of natural magicka.
- Fascinating! Makes one wonder how the Antiquarian's Eye managed to find it. It clearly comes from Oblivion. The question is, what part of Oblivion? The connection to Molag Bal seems clear enough, but the shapes resemble crystals from the Spiral Skein.
- Molag Bal practices all sorts of bizarre alchemy in his Vile Laboratory. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to pry some facet of Mephala's realm into his own. Corrupting the essence of another Prince would be difficult, but not impossible.