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Codex - Sheogorath Madness Cube
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Sheogorath Madness Cube in the ESO-Database.
Eyevea Codex - Sheogorath Madness Cube
- Even a paradise holds danger--especially one that once resided in a Daedric realm. Notice the six equal sides, each marked with a different symbol. Disturbing, yes? And don't roll it! That way lies madness. Literally. We should lock this away immediately.
- A Sheogorath relic? Maybe, but it may relate to the Altmer. This could be a meditation hexahedron. They considered the numbers 3, 5, and 8 to be sacred. Hmm. In retrospect, they used meditation octagons. Very well. A Madness Cube it is.
- You and your fancies. This is made of bone. From a sea animal. And the age places it in the First Era, when the Altmer ruled the island. It's a chance cube, used in the ancient Altmer practice of creating stories in a group. Harmless, but entertaining.