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Codex - Preserved Music Box Mechanism
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Preserved Music Box Mechanism in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Preserved Music Box Mechanism
- Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box You can tell from the grain pattern here, the person who made this repurposed wood from another object. These minor warps make it no less beautiful. Hard to believe, given its finish, but I think this box used to be part of a ship.
- Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box Some of the oldest wooden relics on Summerset have a similar appearance. If they managed to turn something utilitarian like a boat into a magnificent object like this ... well, I would hate to be a woodworker looking at this.
- Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box Maybe they took it from High Lord Torinaan's flag-swan! A lesser-known prophesy foretold that the lost children of Aldmeris would "make of their branches a new home on distant shores." The branches bit never made sense. Maybe they meant wooden ships!
- Aldmeri Golden Embellishments Much of the imagery from the Aldmer carried over into the descending cultures, like the High Elves. Amalien knows how fond her people are of aquiline imagery. That might explain the bird figurine. The Magnus connection is a bit puzzling, though.
- Aldmeri Golden Embellishments I assume you're talking about the sun marking? I've seen it in some of the mosaics in Firsthold. Particularly around Torinaan's ruin. It looks more like heraldry than religion iconography to me. Maybe Torinaan's calan-sigil.
- Aldmeri Golden Embellishments Could this be a symbol from Aldmeris itself? We High Elves like to pretend we know everything about our place of origin, but what little we do know feels like wild conjecture to me. What if this is what they saw in their sky? A sun unlike any other!
- Preserved Music Box Mechanism Despite the object's age, the miniscule aspects of this music box seem to be in perfect working order. We should take care when handling it, though. Amalien, please resist the urge to take it apart.
- Preserved Music Box Mechanism Legends speak of Aldmeri music that could ease the mind and ward off grief entirely. A valuable property for such a long-lived race. Obviously, this mechanism isn't capable of such things, but hearing an Aldmeri melody would likely bring joy to any Elf.
- Preserved Music Box Mechanism I'm not so sure. This sounds like a mourning song. The sting of death was far more acute for my ancient kin since it reminded them of their mortal curse. I reminds me of traditional High Elf requiems.