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Codex - Ayleid Statuette
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ayleid Statuette in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Ayleid Statuette
- Interesting. This gold statuette appears to be a representation of the Daedric Prince Meridia--the personification of the element of light, at least to the Ayleids. A small sculpture such as this probably resided in a noble's house shrine.
- The figure lacks the cowl and wings often seen in Meridia's depictions. That would seem to date it to the waning days of the Ayleid Empire, when Elves like the Barsaebics distanced themselves from their Heartland kin who served darker masters.
- Many Ayleid clans fled to the Valenwood in the aftermath of the Alessian Rebellion. I believe this to be a Bawn or Anutwyll heirloom carried away from one of those fallen strongholds around 1E 243. That means it could date back to the Merethic Era!