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ArrowCodex - Protective Tar Warding Sigil

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Protective Tar Warding Sigil in the ESO-Database.

Greenshade Antiquities Codex - Protective Tar Warding Sigil

  • Reginus Buca I've never seen a Bosmer sigil like this. It seems like a mark of protection made with graht-oak, but it looks sinister in nature, as though whatever it was protecting the wearer from was a great evil. This would have been worn with serious intent.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog The talisman itself is made out of tar. We might be looking at something from the tar-pit burial sites in Ouze where the Bosmer who were rejected from the Green Pact were buried. Some say alive.
  • Amalien It's said the spirits of Ouze were restless ... maybe that means they haunted the surrounding area? These could have been talismans the locals wore to ward off ghosts! Or to keep the spirits from crawling back out of those creepy tar-pits.