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Codex - Branch of Falinesti
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Branch of Falinesti in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Branch of Falinesti
- Difficult to say with certainty where this throne came from, but I think we can safely assume Wood Elves created it. Even a master carpenter couldn't achieve results like the draping under the seat with conventional tools and methods.
- Too right, Ugron. I spent some time in Elden Root recently, and I saw all manner of Green-wrought marvels there. Only thing that puzzles me is the shade and the grain. It doesn't resemble any of the furniture I saw in Grahtwood.
- I can explain that easily enough. This seat didn't come from Elden Root. It came from Falinesti--the walking city, and true home of the Wood Elves! Trust me on this one. Once you run your hand over the wide grain of Falinesti, you never forget it.