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Codex - Morwha's Blessing
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Morwha's Blessing in the ESO-Database.
Hew's Bane Codex - Morwha's Blessing
- It's rare to find a Yokudan statue that isn't wielding a sword. Well done. This looks like a depiction of Morwha—the fertility goddess. Based on the items she's holding, I'd say this statue came from Yokuda itself.
- A fair observation, Ugron. Ra Gada-era sculptors rarely took the time to render softer details like those flowers. Bloody conquest took priority. The lack of orichalc does give me pause, though. Yokudan statuary normally features a metallic element.
- Look at the stone. This Morwha's rendered in gypsum alabaster--a favored material of the Yokudans' hated enemies, the Sinistral Mer. The sculptor probably acquired the stone during the early days of the Ra Gada, thus explaining the lack of orichalc.