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ArrowCodex - Antique Map of Hew's Bane

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Antique Map of Hew's Bane in the ESO-Database.

Hew's Bane Antiquities Codex - Antique Map of Hew's Bane

  • Amalien I believe this is a map of Hew's Bane. It has a very distinctive shape. Does anyone else think it looks like a horse?
  • Reginus Buca Prince Hew set up the first semblances of a city near the harbor on the east side of the peninsula. It wasn't much at first, but over time it transformed into a sprawling commercial port, despite the harsh environment.
  • Verita Numida You make it sound so glorious, Reginus! The truth is that Price Hew was an irresponsible clod. This map doesn't tell the full tale of his blundering.