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Codex - Draoife Storystone
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Draoife Storystone in the ESO-Database.
High Isle
Codex - Draoife Storystone
- You wouldn't expect a bunch of vinebeards to be master stonecutters, but the druids really knew how to work a chisel. You find megaliths like this all over the Systres, but this one is in particularly good shape.
- Stonelore Druids call sculptures like this storystones. They depict major figures in their ruling council, the Draoife, mark major events, and some even serve as stargazing tools, though I've never seen one used in that way.
- People find the primacy of stone in druid culture unusual, but really, stone is no less natural than trees. What's unique about the druids is their belief in manmer's ability to enhance or perfect nature. Quite unlike other animists like the wyrd.