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ArrowCodex - Pilazjo's Training Blade

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Pilazjo's Training Blade in the ESO-Database.

Khenarthi's Roost Antiquities Codex - Pilazjo's Training Blade

  • Reginus Buca Pilazjo was a legendary Khenarthian Rawlith Khaj master who trained from an early age on the Isle of Three Temples. A jealous king traded him to Ne Quin-al as part of a pact of friendship between their two kingdoms. Common practice at the time, but very difficult for Pilazjo himself. The warrior left a collection of blunted training swords in his home adeptorium as a reminder to the hadaliit he left behind. These swords became precious heirlooms—locked away in adeptoriums throughout Elsweyr.