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Codex - Spinner's Singing Bone
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Spinner's Singing Bone in the ESO-Database.
Malabal Tor
Codex - Spinner's Singing Bone
- Wood elf priests have venerated Y'ffre through song and story since time immemorial. The images inscribed on this bone illustrate an ancient Bosmer tale--and the hollowed-out bone can be played like an instrument, a traditional accompaniment.
- Gryphon or harpy bone, perhaps? It resembles a large bird's femur, but it's much too big for any ordinary avian. I suspect that the creature whose bone this was may have played an important part in the story inscribed here.
- You're close, Amalien. It's the femur of a terror bird, more commonly found in the plains east of the Valenwood. I recognize the story: It's the account of a bold chief's raid against the khajiit of Anequina, 6th century 1E.