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Codex - Two Moons Censer
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Two Moons Censer in the ESO-Database.
Reaper's March Codex - Two Moons Censer
- Khajiiti work, for certain--brass, with silver filigree. This is a temple censer, used to burn aromatic incense pleasing to the divinity or spirit being honored. The figures in the decorative scrollwork appear to be priests greeting the moons.
- Priests? No, these figures are warrior-monks, not priests. I think this censer comes from one of the temples of the Two-Moons Dance. The prominence of the moons in the design and the martial poses of the Khajiit would seem to make that pretty clear.
- I believe this censer hung in the temple at Rawl'kha--the very place where Rid-Thar-ri'Datta revealed his epiphany. You can tell by the alignment of Jone and Jode in the scrollwork. Could it have been hanging in the sacred hall at that very hour?