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ArrowCodex - Shrine of Boethra

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Shrine of Boethra in the ESO-Database.

Southern Elsweyr Antiquities Codex - Shrine of Boethra

  • Ugron gro-Thumog Never seen anything like this, and I've spent many cold nights in Khajiiti tombs. The Riddle'Thar cult swept a lot of Khajiiti myths under the rug during the Elsweyr reunification. You think this is one of the spirits they scrubbed from the pantheon?
  • Amalien Undoubtedly! Note the sword and the figure's morphology. You can correct me if I'm wrong here, but this doesn't match any Khajiiti furstocks I'm aware of. Ohmes-raht come close, but the facial features are completely different. I think it's Boethra!
  • Gabrielle Benele Boethra--the Khajiiti variant of Daedric Prince, Boethiah? The presence of a katana, the cloak, and the imperious expression all fit. Ancient Khajiit honored her as a patron of warriors and rebellious exiles. That feline companion's a puzzler, though!