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Codex - Torc Tonal Focus
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Torc Tonal Focus in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Torc Tonal Focus
- Torc Strand of Lore Unusual--this metal band is about the size of a neck-ring, but I have a sense that it's incomplete. Dwarven work, for sure; the geometric design is quite common in Dwemer artifice. If it's a torc, where's the rest of it?
- Torc Strand of Lore The torc seems incomplete because it is incomplete. Dwarves probably forged jewelry like this from several different strands braided together. Makes sense. Metallurgists tell me the Dwemer combined different metals to make their eponymous alloy.
- Torc Strand of Lore But what magic does is possess? These tiny notches in the strand are undoubtedly aligned with Dwemeris script. I believe they stand for knowledge; this strand shapes and binds the magic of the torc with Dwemer lore. Knowledge is the foundation, you see.
- Torc Strand of Song These clean notches--I recognize them. They're Dwemer symbols for sound or song. As many of you know, sound played an essential role in Dwarven life and magical praxis. I often wonder if that included singing.
- Torc Strand of Song Singing? Not in any fashion that a High Elf would take pleasure in, I wager. Dwarves prized cold logic over beauty, and I can't think of anything less logical than singing. They likely let their instruments do the talking.
- Torc Strand of Song A metallurgist once told me that metals in an alloy are like tones in harmony. An apt metaphor, yes? I doubt the Dwarves recognized any distinction between song and sound, to be honest. Tonal magic and ancient song both lead to wisdom of a sort.
- Torc Strand of Power A twisted strand of Dwarven metal, marked with Dwemer notches signifying power. By itself, the piece has no purpose. But joined with other pieces--braided together into a neck-ring, perhaps--this strand would vastly boost the strength of the whole.
- Torc Strand of Power The Dwarves probably fashioned neck-rings (or torcs, to be precise) for many different purposes. Necklaces often harness powerful enchantments, so I'm not surprised to find a piece of a torc that boosts the strength of the object's magic.
- Torc Strand of Power Be careful with these markings. Even the simplest Dwarven bauble, crafted for diversion and little else, can be lethal if mishandled! When the pieces of the torc are joined together, we'll find out what this device was intended to be.
- Torc Throat Guards Strange; I've never encountered a Dwemer torc equipped with these shield-like extensions. Designed to amplify the voice, perhaps? Or to protect the wearer's throat from harm? To what purpose? An armored gorget would seem more practical.
- Torc Throat Guards Ah, I've got it! This torc was created to harness tonal architecture—the Dwarven craft of using sound to shape reality itself. It was a powerful form of magic … or machinery. Although I'm not sure the Dwarves differentiated between the two.
- Torc Throat Guards Tonal architecture! I've seen the things the Dwarves made with it, of course, but I never imagined I'd actually see a device used by tonal architects in the course of their work. Why, who knows what Dwemer wonders were shaped by this torc?
- Torc Tonal Focus Quartz, common, shaped with no great skill or design. Considering the workmanship of the other pieces that make up this magical torc, I must wonder if the original focusing stone was replaced with an inferior one by some lesser artisan.
- Torc Tonal Focus Common quartz, yes, but not in the context of this magical torc. Quartz is a crystal, and crystals possess many unusual qualities regarding the transmission of sound. To carve or shape this stone might have ruined its natural resonance. Or so I guess.
- Torc Tonal Focus My dear colleague Reginus is, as usual, more right than he lets himself admit. Different crystals naturally conferred different tonal properties. Every piece of this torc was exactingly shaped to focus the specific resonance of this crystal. Perfect!