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ArrowCodex - Nedic Wineskin

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Nedic Wineskin in the ESO-Database.

Stonefalls Antiquities Codex - Nedic Wineskin

  • Verita Numida While certainly brittle from lack of care over the centuries, I'm impressed by how well the skin held together. The Nedes were accomplished leatherworkers, perhaps due to a nomadic nature. Though I'm curious about the quality of their wine.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Note the shape of the neck and design of the strap. This is a warrior's wineskin. The owner may have raided Stonefalls during the Nedic campaign against the Chimer in this area. Such brutal work would require easy access to intoxicants.
  • Verita Numida Yes, brutal indeed. These faded symbols on the sides are marks of the Rontha, the largest of the tribes to invade Stonefalls. Uniquely vicious, they branded items or people captured from battle. I suspect they were not this skin's original crafters.