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ArrowCodex - Bronzed War Horn

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Bronzed War Horn in the ESO-Database.

Stonefalls Antiquities Codex - Bronzed War Horn

  • Reginus Buca A delightful instrument. This is Nord made, probably from a mammoth tusk considering the size. The bronze bands are scuffed and without decoration, suggesting this was a practical item and not decorative.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog I believe this dates to sometime early in the First Era. Stonefalls endured an invasion by the First Empire of the Nords in that time. It seems likely that this horn heralded the army's rampage upon the land.
  • Reginus Buca Yes, perhaps a blast from this announced Vrage the Butcher himself. We know he enjoyed traveling to survey his conquered territory. I gave the horn a small toot and it has quite a nice tone. Sounded regal, and not terrifying as I imagined.