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Codex - Ashen Infernace Gate
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ashen Infernace Gate in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Ashen Infernace Gate
- I've seen markings like this before, on the walls of Yasammidan. These etchings appear inert, but I'd still mind how you speak around it. Ensorcelled gates—even long abandoned ones—aren't something to tinker with.
- Ugron, always the worrier! As you said, any magic this gate might have harnessed dissipated centuries ago! The structure doesn't conform to any Chimeric aesthetic I'm aware of. It almost seems like something conceived in Oblivion itself!
- The inscription reads, Infernace. A command word, perhaps? Or simply the name of the realm it led to? With the appropriate ritual, an ancient Chimer might have been able to coax an atronach out of this thing. Fascinating.