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Codex - Fire Lancer
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Fire Lancer in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Fire Lancer
- This looks like some kind of shimmer-thrower--you know, like the ones the Baandari use during festivals? We haven't seen much in the way of Dwemer frivolity but if this was a kind of firelight show, that could prove everyone wrong! How exciting!
- Amalien gives the Dwarves too much credit. As usual. This looks more like a weapon to me. Some kind of complex ballista that could fling projectiles at a distance. This could change the war in Cyrodiil if someone managed to rebuild it.
- I'm no metallurgist, but this metal could likely endure tremendous heat; so I agree with Amalien on that. To Ugron's point, yes, I strongly suspect this is a weapon of war. Something used to rain fire down upon one's enemies.