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Codex - Prismatic Sunbird Feather
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Prismatic Sunbird Feather in the ESO-Database.
Codex - Prismatic Sunbird Feather
- I've seen a few weathered mosaics depicting a feather like this alongside strange Aldmeri triremes, but I've never seen the genuine article. Looks like some kind of meteoric substance to me, but the color's unique. Gabrielle can probably speak to that.
- By all the stars ... it's a Sun Bird relic! Back in the Merethic, an order of Aldmeri explorers managed to pierce the veil between Mundus and Aetherius using raw magic of the Ehlnofey. Or something. This might have been a focus--an orienteering tool!
- Yeah, I've read about them. I even traveled to Alinor to investigate. I'm sorry, Amalien, but I didn't find any proof of a successful journey to Aetherius. It makes sense for the Aldmer to have tried, but we need more proof than a beautiful glass feather.