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Codex - Annotated Sporecrafter Designs
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Annotated Sporecrafter Designs in the ESO-Database.
Telvanni Peninsula Codex - Annotated Sporecrafter Designs
- Rust Funnelcap Paint Craftsmen in Vivec City started grinding dried funnelcap mushrooms into paste around 100 2E. The paint is deceptively simple to make for how potent it is. I'd be careful, it tends to stain.
- Beetleback Pigment I expected sporecrafters to rely exclusively on fungal agents, but this marking uses pigment made from beetles. Perhaps the design demanded a darker palate or perhaps the designers of this marking wanted to pay homage to decomposers.
- Dried Bloodtooth I know this powder; you see that bright yellow all over battlefields after the fighting is done. Bloodtooth mushrooms feast on the carnage, but as their supply of blood withers their spores change from red to yellow.
- Milkcap Mushroom Paint Stamps I read a few accounts where the sporecrafters plucked milkcaps right out of the ground to make perfectly spherical dots. They'd plant the milkcaps again. And if the mushrooms survived, then the next harvest would be a good one.
- Netch Shield Mushroom Stencil The shapes used here look like they're emulating the netch shield mushroom. I don't always understand plant names. Why is a mushroom a better defense than an actual shield?
- Sporecrafter's Press Sporecrafters used their fingers to paint their designs, but that made the designs less uniform. Around the end of the 1st Era, they started growing stamps and brushes out of mushrooms like this one. Pretty innovative if you ask me.
- Annotated Sporecrafter Designs A disagreement between opinionated Dark Elves discussing whether it was more appropriate to use funnelcap or flapjack pigment for their body paints. I suspect that most sporecrafters likely use whichever mushroom is at their disposal.