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Codex - Antique Map of Apocrypha
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Antique Map of Apocrypha in the ESO-Database.
Telvanni Peninsula Codex - Antique Map of Apocrypha
- Intriguing. This map purports to be of Apocrypha, but while the major locations, like Cipher's Midden, are there, they're in different locations. Perhaps this was done by someone with second-hand information?
- Possible. More likely Hermaeus Mora chose to do a little redecorating. He has the power to do that, you know. Still, the major landmarks are all here, but I would not use it to give someone directions.
- The lands of Oblivion represent the minds of the Daedric Princes, and warp and change as they themselves change and grow. In a century's time, our maps of Apocrypha will be as out of date and this one seems to be.