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Codex - Onyx Accent Stones
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Onyx Accent Stones in the ESO-Database.
The Reach
Codex - Onyx Accent Stones
- Pale Order's Golden Band Here's a pretty thing. Breton make, I should think. But the band is too broad and heavy for simple decoration. It lacks ostentation. Is it just me or does it seem like something's missing? Like this is just part of a greater whole?
- Pale Order's Golden Band Yeah, we're missing something. See that groove along the inside and these hollows on the top? Curious. Judging by the weight, I'd say this is a knight's ring; a symbol of membership in one of High Rock's older chivalric orders.
- Pale Order's Golden Band You're exactly right, Ugron. I've seen a ring like this in Alard Dorell's private collection. It belonged to a Knight of the Pale Order! Defunct now, but rightly feared during the latter years of the Direnni's flight from High Rock.
- Order-Etched Gallery Rail This looks like a jewelry setting for precious stones and signets. Breton by the looks of it. Late fifth century, 1E. But there's something else — an engraving that reads, "Vigor through Blood." Gracious. That's a bit unsettling.
- Order-Etched Gallery Rail "Vigor through Blood" was a lesser-known credo of the Pale Order. Their popular motto was, "victory unaided, death unsung." Still severe, but it allowed them to sidestep accusations of vampirism — a common charge for vassals of the Spenard dynasty.
- Order-Etched Gallery Rail We shouldn't rule out the possibility they were vampires, Gabrielle! I found eye-witness accounts of Pale Order Knights awash in blood who somehow grew stronger as battles wore on. Even if they weren't vampires, I'd wager some dark magic was at play!
- Aurmine Ancestral Signet This appears to be a signet of some kind. Ancient Breton heraldry. The shield is flanked by boars and snares. Or are they nooses? Difficult to say. Can't say as I've ever seen a coat of arms this ... ominous.
- Aurmine Ancestral Signet It's the coat of House Aurmine. My research indicates they were eager vassals of the despot king, Festrien Spenard I. But honestly, we only know about them because they patronized a chivalric band called the Knights of the Pale Order.
- Aurmine Ancestral Signet This belonged to a Knight of the Pale Order? Y'ffre's bones! Just whispering their name on Balfiera Island can get you cast off the Adamantine Tower headfirst. Legends say they butchered Elves by the cartload and never grew tired. Spooky stuff!
- Direnni Elegy Loop This metal band is too thin to be a ring on its own. I'd say it's the inner loop of a larger ring--a signet maybe. There's an engraving here. Looks like an Elven name to me, but the styling's too angular for merish work.
- Direnni Elegy Loop The engraving on this band is Cyrodilic. And did you notice the post-script? It reads, "killed at my hand!" Ghastly! Knights of the Pale Order supposedly kept lists of all the Direnni warriors and magisters they slayed. This must be an enemy of note.
- Direnni Elegy Loop Quite right, Amalien. But the Knights of the Pale Order didn't just count their victories against Direnni foes. They notched their shields and scabbards for any unassisted triumph. Elves, trolls, Orcs, Goblins … anything they killed in single combat.
- Onyx Accent Stones Polished onyx stones cut in the High Rock style. They're too small to serve as the centerpiece of a ring or necklace, but maybe accent stones? Yeah. See the prong-scratches? I bet they flanked a larger precious stone--or even a signet.
- Onyx Accent Stones Look closer, Ugron. There's writing on them! Mara's mercy, it's tiny. Unless I'm mistaken, the script reads, "Austerity, Autonomy, and Ferocity." By the Eight. I bet these fellows were a hoot at palace gatherings.
- Onyx Accent Stones I doubt the Knights of the Pale Order spent much time with the palace elite — or even with each other! According to these genealogical records, none of them ever married. Seems they kept their own counsel and preferred to travel, dine, and fight alone.