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Codex - Red Eagle Cave Painting
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Red Eagle Cave Painting in the ESO-Database.
The Reach
Codex - Red Eagle Cave Painting
- Reachfolk are not known for their fine art, but their folk art has a rawness of emotion that never fails to impress me. This simple painting depicts the greatest hero in the history of the Reach, the legendary rebel named Red Eagle.
- Hero, or monster? Red Eagle fought a war of brutal raids and bloody atrocities, terrorizing the Imperial soldiers attempting to pacify the Reach in the 11th century of the First Era. By the end of his rebellion slaughter was all that he knew.
- A monster in more ways than one. Faolan, the Reach warrior known as Red Eagle, may have been the first briarheart. The black mark on the chest of the figure in this painting represents Red Eagle's transformation at the hands of the Hagravens.