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Codex - Reach Trail Maker
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Reach Trail Maker in the ESO-Database.
The Reach Codex - Reach Trail Maker
- I'll be honest, I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Almost looks like farming equipment, but I doubt they had anything so sophisticated. I'd believe it was a weapon before I'd believe it was anything agricultural.
- Your instincts are correct. Though I would hesitate to call this a weapon. I think it's more tactical than that. See the grooves at the base? That would have easily cut through foliage and made tracks through all kinds of terrain.
- There are old Imperial reports of Reachfolk using such tactics to lead their enemies. They knew their land incredibly well and could often confuse adversaries with fake trail markings to get them into better position. Maybe this is what they used.