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Codex - Augur's Bones
Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Augur's Bones in the ESO-Database.
The Rift Codex - Augur's Bones
- The runes marked on these small bones can predict the future, if you know how to read them. The augur shakes them up in a bag, then pours them out on the ground, looking for alignments and connections. Casting the runes is a rare talent!
- Is the talent in the bones, or in the caster? I suspect that more than a few augurs put on a good show of pouring out the bones before telling their visitors what their visitors want to hear. Still, this set is old and well-preserved.
- Casting-bones are passed from teacher to student down through the generations; they get their power from the skill and renown of their previous owners. Each new augur adds a bone and its rune to the collection--and this is a large set indeed.