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ArrowCodex - Ornate Alessian Decanter

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ornate Alessian Decanter in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Ornate Alessian Decanter

  • Reginus Buca This looks to be a lovely representation of the historic Imperial metalsmithing style. Note the ornate handle on the decanter. The care taken in its construction indicates the Imperial appreciation of winemaking goes back further than I once thought.
  • Verita Numida You'll note, Reginus, that this decanter is also quite large. It could easily have held several bottles of wine. This wasn't used for average meals, but large feasts and celebrations. It's a centerpiece of sorts.
  • Gabrielle Benele I'm also intrigued by the engraved decorations. Looks like a ring of bears dancing around the outside of the decanter. I suppose Count Calantius's love for his ursine companion has historical precedent.