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ArrowCodex - Antique Map of West Weald

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Antique Map of West Weald in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Antique Map of West Weald

  • Amalien Take care with this map. The vellum is quite fragile. Such a beautiful depiction of the West Weald should be treasured. It does highlight the roads and other travel features. Perhaps this was meant for Colovian merchants?
  • Verita Numida While the map does depict the West Weald, it is definitely not of Colovian make. Redguard maps frequently use this style of coloration and goatskin vellum. Merchants from Hammerfell could use this to navigate trade routes.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog It's not for merchants. This is a Redguard military map. See the emphasis on the landscape over cities or towns. An invading force needs to know the safest paths through the region. Based on its age, I suspect this comes from the War of Rihad.