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ArrowCodex - Colovian Tapestry, Worn

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Colovian Tapestry, Worn in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Colovian Tapestry, Worn

  • Ugron gro-Thumog Despite its age, the tapestry's linen has held up quite well. My research suggests the gold pattern comes from Breton make. At least, I assume it was gold. Difficult to tell through the years of dirt.
  • Verita Numida You should double-check your research as this is decidedly of Imperial crafting. Colovia, in particular. We've found tapestries of similar color and design across the region. This quality of weaving implies it hung in one of the local estates.
  • Reginus Buca Ah, another classic tapestry from the great weaver Rhea Truiand. Her work was in high demand among estates in the last First Era. In fact, a brutal feud started between two families over one of her pieces. Perhaps this very one!