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ArrowCodex - Ayleid Sculpture, Simple Tree

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Ayleid Sculpture, Simple Tree in the ESO-Database.

West Weald Antiquities Codex - Ayleid Sculpture, Simple Tree

  • Gabrielle Benele This sculpture is enormous! I can't imagine how long it took to make. It seems odd to me that the Ayleids needed to cast such large tree sculptures. Trees are common enough in the environments surrounding some ruins.
  • Verita Numida I know that Aylied's held trees in high regard. There are known symbols of knowledge which include threes and branches. I haven't seen a tree sculpture in any of the ruins I've been to, but it does not seem out of place for this to carry the same meaning.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog I found a book from called 'Scholar's Rite' by Telburnalin. It looks like these trees were crafted for Ayleid scholars. Each branch represents the students they guided to enlightenment.