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ArrowAbygell von Bäerkralle

Breton Daggerfall Covenant Warden

EU Megaserver Abygell von Bäerkralle

Rank 43 (56,535 / 121,894 XP)
Character assigned to jasabell

  • Magicka: 14169
  • Health: 25785
  • Stamina: 14169
A list of all provisioning recipes known by Abygell von Bäerkralle.

Back to the overview Provisioning - Recipes Provisioning - Recipes

Recipes 156 / 570 (27%)

Recently learned recipes

Bravil's Best Beet Risotto Bravil's Best Beet RisottoAdded on 11/25/2024 - Category: Vegetable Dishes Rank 50
Soothing Bard's-Throat Tea Soothing Bard's-Throat TeaAdded on 10/20/2024 - Category: Tea Rank 50
Hagraven's Tonic Hagraven's TonicAdded on 09/24/2024 - Category: Tonics Rank 50

Recipe overview