ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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ArrowAdrasteia montis

Breton Ebonheart Pact Templar

EU Megaserver Adrasteia montisMain

Eye of the Queen
Rank 50
Champion Rank 1833 (149,284 / 685,333 XP)
Character assigned to Rainer71

  • Magicka: 34275
  • Health: 16891
  • Stamina: 12770
The first, second and third placed characters of the ESO-Database Leaderboards will be awarded in each category every Week, Month and Year. These awards are displayed on this page.

Back to the overview Awards Awards

  • Herons killed Herons killed (Week Number 06 2025)
    2nd Place in category Herons killed.

    Herons killed: 5
  • Herons killed Herons killed (Week Number 05 2025)
    2nd Place in category Herons killed.

    Herons killed: 10
  • Herons killed Herons killed (2024)
    1st Place in category Herons killed.

    Herons killed: 190
  • Victories against players (unranked/causual) Victories against players (unranked/causual) (2024)
    1st Place in category Victories against players (unranked/causual).

    Victories against players (unranked/causual): 39
  • Defeats against players (unranked/causual) Defeats against players (unranked/causual) (2024)
    1st Place in category Defeats against players (unranked/causual).

    Defeats against players (unranked/causual): 56
  • Herons killed Herons killed (Week Number 48 2024)
    1st Place in category Herons killed.

    Herons killed: 3
  • Scorpions killed Scorpions killed (Week Number 43 2024)
    1st Place in category Scorpions killed.

    Scorpions killed: 10
  • Daedrats killed Daedrats killed (Week Number 41 2024)
    1st Place in category Daedrats killed.

    Daedrats killed: 12
  • Daedrats killed Daedrats killed (October 2024)
    2nd Place in category Daedrats killed.

    Daedrats killed: 17
  • Fiendroth killed Fiendroth killed (Week Number 40 2024)
    2nd Place in category Fiendroth killed.

    Fiendroth killed: 4
  • Books/Letters read Books/Letters read (Week Number 40 2024)
    3rd Place in category Books/Letters read.

    Books/Letters read: 521
  • Chicken killed Chicken killed (Week Number 40 2024)
    1st Place in category Chicken killed.

    Chicken killed: 1
  • Lizards killed Lizards killed (Week Number 40 2024)
    3rd Place in category Lizards killed.

    Lizards killed: 2
  • Abyssal Geysers completed Abyssal Geysers completed (Week Number 40 2024)
    1st Place in category Abyssal Geysers completed.

    Abyssal Geysers completed: 3
  • Fennec Fox killed Fennec Fox killed (Week Number 39 2024)
    1st Place in category Fennec Fox killed.

    Fennec Fox killed: 1
Page 1 of 10 (141 Awards)