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Dark Elf Ebonheart Pact Nightblade

NA Megaserver AltheagiganticusMain

Master Historian
Rank 50
Champion Rank 1291 (239,152 / 331,844 XP)
Character assigned to MaximusGiganticus

  • Magicka: 24776
  • Health: 41069
  • Stamina: 21269
Welcome to the character profile of Altheagiganticus!

Character Character Information

Alliance Rank
Legionary Grade 2 Rank 8 - Legionary Grade 2  [5,773 / 102,400 AP]
Infamy Upstanding
Bounty Gold 0
Last seen in   Vvardenfell
Primary residence   Cyrodilic Jungle House
Mundus Stone The Thief
Available skill points 4
Last update 03/04/2022 11:21:37

Riding Skills Riding Skills

Speed 60 % Stamina 60 Capacity 60

Guilds Guilds

Name Characters Alliance Founded
NA Megaserver Automaton Ayrenn's Agents 2,489 Aldmeri Dominion 04/17/2019
NA Megaserver Conquest of Tamriel II 2,509 Ebonheart Pact 06/17/2018
NA Megaserver Pyandonean Bottle Company 3,770 Aldmeri Dominion 06/09/2018
NA Megaserver Scheming Skeever Imports 2,097 Ebonheart Pact 11/18/2014
NA Megaserver Stewards of Tamriel 1,138 Daggerfall Covenant 04/06/2014