ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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ArrowAmi Ghostskin

Dark Elf Aldmeri Dominion Nightblade

EU Megaserver Ami Ghostskin

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1737 (307,870 / 434,740 XP)
Character assigned to Amilla_Silverline

  • Magicka: 17083
  • Health: 23967
  • Stamina: 28830
The first, second and third placed characters of the ESO-Database Leaderboards will be awarded in each category every Week, Month and Year. These awards are displayed on this page.

Back to the overview Awards Awards

  • Antelopes killed Antelopes killed (Week Number 02 2018)
    3rd Place in category Antelopes killed.

    Antelopes killed: 9
  • Deaths by Slaughterfish Deaths by Slaughterfish (January 2018)
    3rd Place in category Deaths by Slaughterfish.

    Deaths by Slaughterfish: 4
  • Highest Amount lost on death Highest Amount lost on death (Week Number 01 2018)
    3rd Place in category Highest Amount lost on death.

    Highest Amount lost on death: Tel Var Stones 1,684
  • Chicken killed Chicken killed (Week Number 52 2017)
    3rd Place in category Chicken killed.

    Chicken killed: 11
  • Pigs killed Pigs killed (Week Number 52 2017)
    1st Place in category Pigs killed.

    Pigs killed: 28
  • Sheep killed Sheep killed (Week Number 52 2017)
    1st Place in category Sheep killed.

    Sheep killed: 245
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (Week Number 52 2017)
    2nd Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 14,155
  • Number of fence launders Number of fence launders (Week Number 52 2017)
    1st Place in category Number of fence launders.

    Number of fence launders: 684
  • Duels won Duels won (Week Number 52 2017)
    3rd Place in category Duels won.

    Duels won: 28
  • Duels lost Duels lost (Week Number 52 2017)
    2nd Place in category Duels lost.

    Duels lost: 17
  • Cows killed Cows killed (Week Number 52 2017)
    3rd Place in category Cows killed.

    Cows killed: 11
  • Spiders killed Spiders killed (Week Number 51 2017)
    2nd Place in category Spiders killed.

    Spiders killed: 183
  • Scribs killed Scribs killed (Week Number 51 2017)
    2nd Place in category Scribs killed.

    Scribs killed: 9
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (Week Number 49 2017)
    2nd Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 16,569
  • Bounty paid Bounty paid (December 2017)
    3rd Place in category Bounty paid.

    Bounty paid: Gold 39,097
Page 5 of 7 (105 Awards)