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ArrowAngoril Stormorin

Breton Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer

EU Megaserver Angoril Stormorin

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1368 (592,530 / 1,098,839 XP)
Character assigned to Provinzheld

  • Magicka: 29098
  • Health: 10668
  • Stamina: 9709
A list of the recipes from the category Meat Dishes of Angoril Stormorin.

Back to the overview Meat Dishes Meat Dishes

Meat Dishes Recipes 38 / 42 (90%)

Meat Dishes Recipes

Chicken Breast Chicken BreastAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 1
Fishy Stick Fishy StickAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 1
Roast Pig Roast PigAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 1
Flank Steak Flank SteakAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 5
Grilled Hare Grilled HareAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 5
Roast Venison Roast VenisonAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 5
Hunter's Pie Hunter's PieAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 10
Rabbit Pasty Rabbit PastyAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 10
Tarragon Chicken Tarragon ChickenAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 10
Pan-Fried Trout Pan-Fried TroutAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 15
Rabbit Millet Pilaf Rabbit Millet PilafAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 15
Stir-Fried Garlic Beef Stir-Fried Garlic BeefAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 15
Breton Pork Sausage Breton Pork SausageAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 20
Venison Pasty Venison PastyAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 20
Whiterun Cheese-Baked Trout Whiterun Cheese-Baked TroutAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 20
Cheese Pork Schnitzel Cheese Pork SchnitzelAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 25
Chicken and Biscuits Chicken and BiscuitsAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 25
Salted Cod Salted CodAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 25
Elinhir Roast Antelope Elinhir Roast AntelopeAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 30
Hare in Garlic Sauce Hare in Garlic SauceAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 30
Senchal Curry Fish and Rice Senchal Curry Fish and RiceAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 30
Bruma Jugged Rabbit Bruma Jugged RabbitAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 35
Camlorn Pork Sausage Camlorn Pork SausageAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 35
Crispy Cheddar Chicken Crispy Cheddar ChickenAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 35
Mammoth Snout Pie Mammoth Snout PieAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 40
Rabbit Haunch with Cheese Grits Rabbit Haunch with Cheese GritsAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 40
Stros M'Kai Grilled Seagull Stros M'Kai Grilled SeagullAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 40
Akaviri Pork Fried Rice Akaviri Pork Fried RiceRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Blacklight Oxen Meatballs Blacklight Oxen MeatballsAdded on 07/12/2020 Rank 45
Solstheim Elk and Scuttle Solstheim Elk and ScuttleRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Argonian Saddle-Cured Rabbit Argonian Saddle-Cured RabbitAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Crawdad Quiche Crawdad QuicheAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Curried Kwama Scrib Risotto Curried Kwama Scrib RisottoRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Dunmeri Jerked Horse Haunch Dunmeri Jerked Horse HaunchAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Garlic-and-Pepper Venison Steak Garlic-and-Pepper Venison SteakAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Grilled Timber Mammoth Kebabs Grilled Timber Mammoth KebabsRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Kwama Egg Quiche Kwama Egg QuicheAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Lilmoth Garlic Hagfish Lilmoth Garlic HagfishAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Millet and Beef Stuffed Peppers Millet and Beef Stuffed PeppersAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Millet-Stuffed Pork Loin Millet-Stuffed Pork LoinAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Orcish Bratwurst on Bun Orcish Bratwurst on BunAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
The Skald-King's Patty Melt The Skald-King's Patty MeltAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50