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ArrowAngoril Stormorin

Breton Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer

EU Megaserver Angoril Stormorin

Rank 50
Champion Rank 1368 (592,530 / 1,098,839 XP)
Character assigned to Provinzheld

  • Magicka: 29098
  • Health: 10668
  • Stamina: 9709
A list of the recipes from the category Savouries of Angoril Stormorin.

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Savouries Recipes 23 / 36 (63%)

Savouries Recipes

Melon Carpaccio Melon CarpaccioAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 10
Punkin Bunny Punkin BunnyAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 10
Red Deer Stew Red Deer StewAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 10
Apple Baked Fish Apple Baked FishAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 15
Grape-Glazed Bantam Guar Grape-Glazed Bantam GuarAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 15
Monkeypig Cutlets Monkeypig CutletsAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 15
Argonian Pumpkin Stew Argonian Pumpkin StewAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 20
Peacock Pie Peacock PieAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 20
Yellow Oxen Loaf Yellow Oxen LoafAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 20
Baked Sole with Bananas Baked Sole with BananasAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 25
Colovian Roast Turkey Colovian Roast TurkeyRecipe not yet learned Rank 25
Pork and Bitter Melon Pork and Bitter MelonAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 25
Parmesan Eels in Watermelon Parmesan Eels in WatermelonAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 30
Pumpkin-Stuffed Fellrunner Pumpkin-Stuffed FellrunnerAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 30
Redguard Venison Pie Redguard Venison PieAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 30
Aunt Alessia's Pork Chops Aunt Alessia's Pork ChopsAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 35
Minotaur Slumgullion Minotaur SlumgullionAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 35
Venison Stuffed Grape Leaves Venison Stuffed Grape LeavesAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 35
Black Marsh Wamasu Loin Black Marsh Wamasu LoinRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Chicken-and-Banana Fried Rice Chicken-and-Banana Fried RiceRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Mother Mara's Savory Rabbit Stew Mother Mara's Savory Rabbit StewRecipe not yet learned Rank 40
Elsweyr Fondue Elsweyr FondueRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Gazelle Cutlet with Minced Pumpkin Gazelle Cutlet with Minced PumpkinRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Oyster Tomato Orzo Oyster Tomato OrzoRecipe not yet learned Rank 45
Ashlander Nix-Hound Chili Ashlander Nix-Hound ChiliRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Cloudy Dregs Inn Bouillabaisse Cloudy Dregs Inn BouillabaisseRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Coldharbour Daedrat Snacks Coldharbour Daedrat SnacksAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Colovian Beef Noodle Soup Colovian Beef Noodle SoupRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Corinthean Roast Kagouti Corinthean Roast KagoutiRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Khajiiti Sweet-Stuffed Duck Khajiiti Sweet-Stuffed DuckRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Lillandril Summer Sausage Lillandril Summer SausageAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Melon-Baked Parmesan Pork Melon-Baked Parmesan PorkAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Mistral Banana-Bunny Hash Mistral Banana-Bunny HashAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Seared Slaughterfish with Mammoth Cheese Seared Slaughterfish with Mammoth CheeseRecipe not yet learned Rank 50
Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup Solitude Salmon-Millet SoupAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50
Sweet Horker Stew Sweet Horker StewAdded on 06/26/2020 Rank 50