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Angrond Blade-Catcher

- Magicka: 29750
- Health: 18384
- Stamina: 14000
On this page you can view the lore books of the selected category for Angrond Blade-Catcher.
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Lore Library
Eidetic Memory - Hew's Bane Bookshelf
The Red Curse, Volume 2
This book was read by Angrond Blade-Catcher. -
A Call for Common Hair
Abah's Landing Merchant Lords, V. 1
Abah's Landing Merchant Lords, V. 2
Abah's Landing Merchant Lords, V. 3
Abah's Landing Merchant Lords, V. 4
Abah's Landing Merchant Lords, V. 5
Abah's Landing Merchant Lords, V. 6
An Excerpt from the Book of Seasons
Arrest Writ
Authenticity of the Giovessen Skull
Balith's Journal
By Order of Chief Inspector Rhanbiq
Captain Evani's Log
Excerpt from al-Danobia Heist Journal
Excerpt from Cosh's Papers
Faradan's Letter
Fleg's Note
Help Complete Abah's Local History!
In Defense of Prince Hubalajad
Investigator Vale: A Deadly Toll
Iron Wheel Precept 15
Iron Wheel Precept 21
Iron Wheel Precept 38
Iron Wheel Prisoner Transfer: Zeira
Journal of Ventilias Proximus
Kari's Hit List
King Farangel's Ode to Wayrest
Lady Balina's Wedding Invitation
Lady in the Cistern: Andarri's Theory
Lady in the Cistern: Quen's Theory
Lady in the Cistern: Silver-Claw's Theory
Lady in the Cistern: Thrag's Theory
Lady in the Cistern: Velsa's Theory
Lady in the Cistern: Walks-Softly's Theory
Lady in the Cistern: Zeira's Theory
Letter to Abbot Kulan-dro
Letter to Lady Sulima
Letter to Paathi
Letter to Percy Velmont
Letter to Velsa
Look at this Guard Dispatch!
Lord Wallavir's Wedding Invitation
Mantra of Expulsion
Missing: Gordonkha the Shark and Lazy Murshez
Missing: Khiruna
Mudcrab Order Request
Murshez Is Dead
No Fuss, No Rush
No Shira, No Good!
Orders from Lady Anais
Page 71: Erendette's Account
Prince Hew and the Haj Mota Chariot
Prince Hew and the Three-Legged Race
Rhanbiq's Notes
Rhanbiq's Orders: al-Danobia Tomb
Rhanbiq's Orders: Fulstrom Homestead
Rhanbiq's Orders: Iron Wheel Headquarters
Rhanbiq's Orders: No Shira Prison
Saroldo's Greatest Treasure
Scouting Report: Deadhollow Halls
Scouting Report: The Hideaway
Scouting Report: Underground Sepulcher
Silver-Claw's Forged Wedding Invitation
Silver-Claw's Ledger
The Bleak Veil Endures
The Elf, the Egg, and the Almost-Dragon
The Red Curse, Volume 1
The Red Curse, Volume 3
To My Unknown Benefactor
Travel Itinerary
Triumph of the Sep Adder
Twilight Rites and Hymns
Urgent Message from Walks-Softly
Vazshara's Journal
Wake Walkers' Orders
Warehouse Under New Ownership
Word of Khiruna