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ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowAthragar Benoch

Wood Elf Aldmeri Dominion Nightblade

NA Megaserver Athragar Benoch

Boethiah's Scythe
Rank 50
Champion Rank 1008 (295,339 / 823,092 XP)
Character assigned to KopisGaming

  • Magicka: 11852
  • Health: 26661
  • Stamina: 34011
An overview of the trial progress of the character Athragar Benoch. Move the mouse over the green checkmark to display the time of the trial completion.
Progression: Normal 0 / 13 (0%)
Progression: Veteran 0 / 13 (0%)
Progression: Hardmode 0 / 13 (0%)
Progression: Speedrun 0 / 13 (0%)

Back to the overview Trials Trials

Trial Normal Veteran Hardmode Speedrun
Aetherian Archive
Hel Ra Citadel
Sanctum Ophidia
Maw of Lorkhaj
Halls of Fabrication
Asylum Sanctorium
Kyne's Aegis
Dreadsail Reef
Sanity’s Edge
Lucent Citadel